What the heck is AsciiDoc? AsciiDoc is a human-readable document format that uses plain-text mark-up conventions. It can be used to create documents using any text editor and read “as-is” or rendered to HTML, PDF, or any other format supported.
You can use AsciiDoc to write notes, documentation ebooks web pages, technical manuals and blogs. It is also used in static site generators.
I use Atom as my text editor and then you can install the asciidoc-preview extension to see an HTML preview of the AsciiDoc content in your Atom editor. You can also just use Vim as your editor as well.
OK – let’s do some writing!
The above text generated as HTML looks like this:
Pretty cool, right!?
Let’s try some more!
That was just a quick overview of AsciiDoc, but I’ll plan on writing a longer tutorial at a later time. For now, have fun playing with AsciiDoc and checkout one of the many AsciiDoc cheatsheets such as this one: https://powerman.name/doc/asciidoc